My Volunteer work isn’t work at all. It’s my greatest joy.

My Heroes

These are the faces of some of the most amazing people that I’ve ever been lucky enough to know. I met most of them through my volunteer work with Camp Goodtimes which is a summer camp for cancer patient kids and their siblings where I have volunteered since 1984. These are my heroes and they continue to inspire me daily. Some, tragically are no longer with us, their lives taken by cancer far too soon. Others are still in this fight hoping to simply do what most of us take for granted, grow up.

Cancer can weaken the body but it can never weaken the soul. Warrior kids like these have a strength, grace, and wisdom about them that is awe inspiring. Instead of looking inward, they look compassionately outward towards other to see how they can make a difference in the world. Many of my heroes have worked tirelessly to fund raise for better treatments and cures for cancer so that others won’t have to suffer the way they were forced too.

I want to introduce these kids to you here in this gallery so that you will be able to look into their eyes and get to know them just a little bit. If your heart goes out to them, then their lives will have touched yours and their legacy will grow.

Any of the photos in this gallery that have a white outline around them are portraits I took of my friends whose lives were taken by cancer. Their names will also be on the photographs.

The other photographs are of kids that either are still in the thick of the fight, or who have emerged miraculously on the other side of this battle, and who are now attempting to achieve some normalcy in their lives. Many will have to endure lifelong side effects due to the drastic treatments necessary to save their lives.

Please support the fight against pediatric cancer, and any other life threatening or life limiting illness that has the ability to take our children away.

Kids deserve the world and I think it’s possible, if we work together, that we can help give it to them.

 To support pediatric cancer research at Seattle Children’s please follow this link.

To learn more about Camp Goodtimes and related programs put on by The Goodtimes Project to advocate for northwest cancer patient kids and their families, please check out their website, The Goodtimes Project

All Images ©2025 Paul Dudley Photography